Preoperative BMI and weight play a key role in bariatric surgery outcomes
New research being presented at this year's Euroanaesthesia Congress in Milan, Italy (4-6 June), suggests that preoperative body mass index (BMI) and weight play an important role in outcomes following bariatric (obesity) surgery.
Obesity alters response to anti-inflammatory treatment
Excess weight is associated with an increased risk of many health conditions. It’s also thought to impact the immune system. But the mechanisms in the body that lead to these effects aren’t fully understood.A team led by researchers from the Gladstone Institutes, the Salk Institute, and the University of California, San Francisco, has been studying these mechanisms and how they relate to inflammatory diseases, which involve problems with the immune system.
How Obesity Can Increase Your Risk for Hypertension (and What You Can Do About It)
Obesity can cause you to develop hypertension, or worsen it if you already have it. A 2020 review estimates that obesity accounts for 65 to 78 percentTrusted Source of cases of primary hypertension. Having more fat tissue can cause complex changes in the body that combine to create or worsen hypertension.
Adults with asthma have a higher risk of developing obesity
A study with more than 8,700 participants from 11 European countries and Australia has concluded that adults with asthma are more likely to become obese later in life.
Risk of obesity is 45% higher among adolescents whose diet is based on ultra-processed food products
Based on data for 3,587 adolescents aged 12-19 who took part in the 2011-16 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in the United States, researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil have calculated the impact of consuming ultra-processed foods on the risk of obesity.